Beijing pledges inspect bureau will take multiple measures to strengthen the reg
2016-07-15 12:47:04

The reporter learns from the pledges inspect bureau of Beijing, Beijing will take the elevator in key sites for risk identification and evaluation, strengthening super-tall building elevator safety, issued by the elevator safety tips identifies multiple measures, such as to strengthen the supervision of the elevator.


Special equipment safety supervision bureau of Beijing office of the ombudsman, deputy director of wang is introduced, based on January 1, 2014 implementation of the "special equipment safety" relevant provision, Beijing in 2014 to public transport, high-rise building, the old residential buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, schools and other places of key use elevator in risk identification and risk assessment, and formulate the corresponding risk control measures, involving 6278 sets of the elevator, or a quarter of the total above the elevator in key sites.


In view of the tall building elevator safety, north

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